Andrej Radman
Delft University of Technology
Assistant Professor of Architecture Theory
Andrej Radman has been teaching theory coursesand design studios at TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and The BuiltEnvironment since 2004. In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor ofArchitecture and joined the research and teaching staff of the Delft School of Design(DSD). As a graduate of the Zagreb School of Architecture in Croatia, Radmanreceived a Master’s Degree with Honours and a Doctoral Degree from DelftUniversity of Technology. His current research focuses on New Materialism ingeneral and Ecologies of Architecture in particular. Radman is a member of theNational Committee on Deleuze Scholarship, and production editor and member ofthe editorial board of the peer-reviewed architecture theory journal Footprint. He is also a licensedarchitect with a portfolio of built and competition-winning projects. In 2002Radman won the Croatian Association of Architects annual award for housingarchitecture in Croatia. His latest publication is Ecologies of Architecture: Essays onTerritorialisation and Clinical (EUP, 2021).